Small changes from the 15th May

Hello lovely people, been a long time since I wrote anything – it’s been a crazy year for us all! Sports massages have thankfully been allowed to stay open this year so at least I’ve been able to keep you all going.

A few changes to report!

Since December I have only been able to work mornings. This is far from ideal but I have to accept that I am a full-time carer and work has to fit around that. I am hoping that in time it will change and I can commit my full time to my favourite craft, but for now this is all I have, and I thank you all for understanding and working with me.

There is also a small price change from the 15th May. I have been charging the same price for many years now and I have expanded my services plenty since, so this is well overdue. So from mid-May I’ll be charging £40/hr weekdays and weekends both. Similar level treatments are charged nearly twice that in many places, so I trust that won’t be a problem.

I am soon officially adding Abdominal massage as part of my services – I have been working on that for a while now but with restrictions on and off it’s been slower to manifest than before. Abdominal/visceral massage can really help digestion, and depending on the level of the treatment I can work on some organs, and also work towards easing anxiety. I had great feedback so far on the effects – I’ll tell you more next time!

Looking forward to seeing you all on the couch 🙂

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