Therapeutic massage plan
Therapeutic massage is a 3 massage treatment plan with a full variety of my techniques blended and tailored for the individual. It is perfect for people who have injuries or chronic pain or simply feel totally under the weather either physically or mentally. It is about getting you back to shipshape much as possible, to get all the kinks out (not those ones hehe), to get you mobile and pain free.
Upon initial talk and assessment a plan is made for several treatments to speed up recovery, reduce pain – ideal when you simply want to get back to normal. Usually a “3 treatments in 3 weeks” is recommended as it gives time to get deeper and deeper into the problem areas layer by layer at a speed the body allows.
The first massage usually brings a lot of relief but often – for people with high level of rigidity in their bodies – the fascia (a thin layer of connective tissue covering all muscles and organs providing a framework for them) becomes “sticky” and adhered. In some cases it is so stiff that I can barely get to the muscles underneath. So the first massage is often aimed at releasing fascia as needed, and introducing the idea to the muscles that it is OK to relax. I work hard to create rapport with your body and mind so it will stop resisting improvement.
At the second massage the body knows what to expect so it relaxes more readily – muscle memory is ever present though so some of what we have achieved during first treatment may be a bit undone, which is why it is essential to keep treatments close together, so as not to give it a chance to pull back too much. The fascia is usually much softer so deeper work on the muscles starts. I use everything in my arsenal to restore equilibrium so they can start working as intended. Essential oils, energywork, trigger point therapy, passive and active stretching are just some of the techniques used as needed as needed (active stretching helps switching on weak muscles). Ice packs might be whipped out for areas where I worked a lot to stop inflammation starting up, or I may carefully approach the possible emotional background that may contribute to the issues.
By the third time usually the muscles are fairly relaxed all over, painful areas have reduced to a few small trigger points, and the body is more or less capable to maintain this level with just some regular maintenance afterwards.
As I mentioned, 3 treatments close to each other seems to yield the best result. For a few people, even 2 is enough – I’ll say so if that is the case. Occasionally the problem is more stubborn than expected and more than 3 is needed – the golden rule is, if it keeps improving, keep it going until improvements plateau. Just common sense.
Price: 1hr £45 90m £65